YAK Pro - Php ObfuscatorYAK Pro stands for Yet Another Killer Product. Free, Open Source, Published under the MIT License, This tool parses php using PHP-Parser. The yakpro-po.cnf self-documented file contains many configuration options!
What is Php Obfuscation?When you have a php project you want to distribute, as php is a script interpretor, you distribute also all the sources of your software! You may want, for any reason, that other people do not understand, modify, or adapt your software. As your software must be understandable by the php runtime, but needs to be very difficult to understand by human people, obfuscation is a very good way to achieve this goal. Wikipedia definition of Obfuscation.
YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator Obfuscation Main Features:
Why Yet Another Php Obfuscator?I began testing some already existing php obfuscation tools, but I did'nt found one that was fitting all my needs.
So I started to write this tool. |
yakpro rulez!
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